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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Marketing Skills Using Quality and Duplication

Marketing Skills Using Quality and Duplication

By Susan L Gibson

Having been in the multilevel marketing business off and on for several years, the most obvious failure I have found is the principal of traditional duplication. Duplication is not merely copying what you're up-line tells you, whether it be on posters, phone calls, or customer contact, etc. Through many trials and errors, I find that it is only the 'process or technique' of duplication that really works. Often in the multilevel marketing business, you are told, "Do it exactly this way, we know it works." Well, apparently it did work for some, as they are among the top producers, or other highly sought after position. However; have you ever been told when these people started out in their multilevel marketing business, how much money they had to spend or how many leads they had to buy, and lastly, how many failures they had to experience in marketing their multilevel marketing business? We all know that the time frame for traditional duplication has past. The tools used today are those taught in direct marketing. Duplication is used by process.

Times have changed. Progress is the transition of things, all things. Today, the 'quality' of the duplication you present is what makes the difference. Quality is a difficult characteristic to define. It has a property of individuality and excellence. It brings value to you and creates within your marketing a presence of authority. Quality is not a natural attribute. It is something to be worked toward and built up in you. Quality is actually an inherent and distinguishing trait. While you may be well versed in some skills of marketing, you must also be willing to build a base for quality and character. Everything you say or write, or stand behind, must be something you can own. Take responsibility for yourself.

Once you know the principals of marketing; add quality to that skill as well as personality. When you have added those attributes to your marketing ability, your targeted traffic will tend to look toward you and the information that you have to give, as having value and worth. No cut and paste, just quality information that is a solution to the needs of your targeted market in your own words. You must study the market, follow the trends, know your customer base, and be willing to make any necessary adjustments as time passes. Educate yourself, read everything you can, read what everyone is doing and saying, watch and go to seminars, do whatever it takes to make you a very informed person about marketing. Own your skill. 

When you have created value and authority in your marketing and have useful information that provides solutions, then you are on your way to establishing quality in your marketing. No one said it would be quick or easy, but taking the time to educate yourself will empower you with an essence of character and quality. Education will broaden your outlook. Duplication will be your own. If you teach it to others and they get it, you have given them more knowledge to accompany their marketing skills and opportunity for success. What they do with that knowledge, is their responsibility. 

 Giving quality to your marketing skills is the dynamic of a high position of value. Whatever you do, take responsibility for your skills and own them, brand them as your own. Hard work and education are positive markers for building any marketing skill. Give the skills you learn a positive nature. Marketing is not just about words. It is using the right words at the proper time in the best context to capture your market. Learning all you can about quality, will improve your marketing skills and give them the character that identifies you.

Article Source: [] Marketing Skills Using Quality and Duplication

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